I have decided to compile a list of apps that I currently use on my android phone to help me as a photographer. These apps are easy to use, at my fingertips and all in one place. If you have suggestions of other (better) apps than please add them in the comments section.
*I apologize to iphone users, however most apps mentioned below can be found in the apple app store as well.

This app is probably the most used app on my phone. I check this every time I am preparing for a sunrise or sunset shot. It gives you exactly what it advertises: Sunrise and sunset times. It even syncs with your location through the GPS on your phone so you'll never miss a sunrise again.

The Weather Channel
Another great app for every photographer. The weather can make or break a photo. Especially if you are trying to get an unusual photo at a popular location. It also helps to know what kind of equipment you need to bring and if/how you're going to protect you equipment. The weather can also determine what you shoot. If conditions look promising for a dramatic sky, get outside and capture it.

Really, an actual compass you can hold in your hand will be more accurate and more reliable, but this is an app list after all. Of course a compass is good for finding your way, but it's also great for determining where the sun will come up when you decide to set up after hiking somewhere in the dark.
Backcountry Navigator DEMO
Great for, well, the backcountry. Downloadable topo maps for offline use. Find trails, plot a course with GPS points, or search for interesting areas you'd like to explore. Fun to use and helps get you home after a photo adventure in the backcountry. Also nice for pinpointing GPS points for those breathtaking viewpoints you found and want to return to.
Exposure Calculator
Nice little tool for calculating your exposure by changing the shutter speed, aperture, or ISO.
There are also some good camera apps for the phone's camera, but have only found them to be "fun" and not really useful so I have omitted them from this list.