I've been really excited about shooting portraits lately. The studio I set up in my apartment is working out nicely and everybody I've shot so far has been amazing to work with. My brother was the latest and so much fun to shoot. He has style in just a t-shirt and jeans. He's working towards owning his own clothing company someday and we've talked about collaborating several times. This week we got together so I could shoot some stills as well as video and I think they turned out nicely. I've wanted to create videos like this for a long time and it's so fun to have the capability now. The 5D is performing beyond my expectation and I continue to dream up ways to use the HD video. I've got a lot to learn, but I'm excited to build upon my photography and overall imagery. Still imagery is still my forte, but I can't ignore creating video.
Here is my first attempt at a series called "Film Portraits".
*Special thanks to Eric Daniels